Tuesday, 28 May 2013

how far can you drive a Hillman Imp?

Does the idea of driving a small 48 year old car across Russia and on to the UK seem crazy?

Well of course it does.  But don't tell the men in white coats because that is what I'm hoping to do this June.

1 comment:

  1. Hi David,
    Glad to hear that you have made it through and that the Imp is still Imping along.
    Let me know if you want to contact any of the Skogforsk guys in Sweden - they are a nice bunch. I also have other locals I know you could catch up with.
    Now, to a work issue. Tony asked me to find out why the radiata TREEPLAN did not work. It turned out not to be related to the BOT variances, but in BR9609 (Bradvale cuttings) there was a factor with no name set as a fixed effect in the model. I presume that is Rep, but we wanted to track down your analysis files to check (and work out how we got a fixed effect with no name).
    Where are your analysis files? I could not find them on the server in Mt Gambier. Peter says he has a hard drive from you, but can't get into it as he doesn't have the password. If you have it, could you send Peter the password?
    Now I know where your blog is, I'll have to have a read.
    Greg Dutkowski.
