Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Day 60 & 61 - Perth

After arriving in our hotel in Glasgow around 4:30AM I felt bad waking the boys up at 8:30. I wanted to get to thee Imp Club National in Perth by 11AM so as to join the scenic run. With much pushing we left just a bit late and the zoomed along faster than I had trough the whole journey to date. After a bit of a struggle to find the racecourse we came to the driveway just as the convoy of Imps were coming out. I wish I had kept straight on with them but instead I turned into the driveway so as to check in with rally control. However, the desire to join a convoy of Imps overcame me and we made a hasty U turn around a spectator and over the grass and set off after the Imps. Unfortunately we were at the back with a mix of Imps and modern cars.

The run took us to Glen Almond Estate, Scottish holiday home fort the Rootes family. There were around 100 Imps parked all around. Several people spotted us as the loonies that had driven half way around thee world to be there and we were made very welcome. The next stop was the Famous Grouse distillery where we had lunch. Luckily the accept credit cards as we still hasn't had a chance to get pounds from an ATM yet. We made our own way back to the the racecourse stopping to get money and eye drops for my conjunctivitis on the way.
Putting up the tent in the strong wind would have been impossible without the help of Simon and Karen Benoy. After this, we headed to the restaurant for dinner where we sat with ex pat Aussies Mike and Tich Marsh who had visited us a couple of years ago and used the blue Imp for a day. Sadly it wasn't running that well at the time.

After a good sleep we woke and had a late breakfast. After that it was time to take the Imp onto the display field. The Marshall suggested it should be parked right at the front in pride of place. Meanwhile the boys played in the Kid Club. After that they enjoyed watching the juggler and trying out his equipment. As well as looking at the massive array of cars, I met up with Corey Graeme who had made the most fantastic Imp shaped birthday cake imaginable. We arranged to secretly get the cake to the restaurant to cut it at dinner.

I was awarded the prize for furthest traveled in an imp. At 14,500km or there abouts. It might take a while to beat that record.

Some of the organizers suggested we cut the cake after the evenings entertainment. That way everyone could sing happy birthday etc. Unfortunately, Timothy was almost asleep by the time we got to it.  I think he loved the cake though.

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