Tuesday 18 June 2013

Day 14 - Krutinka to Yekaterinburg

What would be an Imp trip without concerns about overheating?

The road from Kochenevo to Tjumyenb is mostly awful. On the plus side it is very flat much as it has been for the past two days. The countryside has mostly been swampy grassland with patches of crop and patches of forest. Today there has been much more cropping with the first broadleaved crops I have seen so far (peas I think).

The only way I seem to be able to keep the Imp running under 95°C is to drive between 50 and 55km/h. This of course means I am a moving road block. Still, no one seems to get annoyed about it they just overtake at the first opportunity.

To try and keep things cooler I even tried pretensing to be an Arbath and propping the engine cover up with an offcut of pine I border from a construction site. But it didn't make any improvement. It did keep spooking me seeing something white so close

I'm now sitting at a tyre fixing station (there is one near most petrol stations) with chaps I can't speak with about to enlarge my carburetor main jet. Its a bit nerve wracking but I think they understand how important it is not to enlarge the hole too much. I can't see me making it over the Urals as things stand. Tomorrow I will no doubt be complaining that it running much too rich.

As I've been pushing on and haven't seen much I'd like to photograph, I don't have any to add except the one below. I took this yesterday when I stopped at what I though was a workshop to ask if the sold spark plugs. They just laughed so I guess they didn't but the do have the fanciest looking outdoor toilet for miles around.


  1. good to see the adventure continues and like all good blokes you are overheating and going slow. Not sure why you want to enlarge your 'jets' but im sure there are many websites advertising enlargement options if you care to look!

  2. Hi David. I wrote about you here - http://bochkarev.livejournal.com/268128.html
    Good luck!

  3. We are loving your blog David. This is my first comment but I'm reading regularly. Kelsey
